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At Southern Waste and Recycling, we understand that many companies want to reduce the expense of their waste removal services and decrease the amount of trash that ends up in landfills. We’ve made a commitment to helping our customers reach their goals via our Zero Waste to Landfill Initiatives. With more than 50% of the waste near Atlanta being buried in landfills, we believe these initiatives are very valuable.

Taking advantage of our sustainability models will help your company save money and be more eco-friendly. Adopting zero waste policies by recycling and eliminating sources of waste within your company can also make you more attractive to new customers and investors.

Our services allow us to recycle more than 80% of our customer’s waste at our recycling center. We also return usable materials back to the economy while saving landfill space. These programs can save our customers up to 30% on their waste management costs. We can recycle a variety of materials, such as ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastics, film, pallets, wood crates, electronics, mixed paper, and cardboard. We can even repurpose traditionally non-recyclable materials, such as food waste.