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When you are getting prepared for a home construction or demolition project, a dumpster rental is among the pieces of equipment that you will need to rent. Dumpster rental will help you dispose of all of the construction waste and other materials that are created during your project. In addition, your dumpster can also serve as a cardboard recycling station. A company offering to recycle serving Atlanta can help you rent the right roll off dumpster for the size and scope of your project. As you are preparing for a dumpster rental, it is crucial to determine where your dumpster will be placed in your yard. Read on for a closer look at some essential tips for placing your dumpster rental.

Consider Dumpster Size

In order to choose the correct placement for your dumpster rental, you can start by choosing a dumpster that is the right size for your project. Many dumpster rental companies offer dumpsters in a variety of different sizes. By choosing a dumpster that is not too large, you can ensure that you will have plenty of room to place your dumpster on your property.

Use a Plywood Base

Another tip to keep in mind when you are placing your dumpster rental is to create a sturdy base for the dumpster, itself. Whether you are planning on placing your dumpster on a solid concrete surface or will be locating your dumpster on a grassy lawn, you should be sure to create a plywood base for protection.

Ensure Easy Access

As you are placing your dumpster rental, you should also make sure that your dumpster can be easily accessed by your workers and crew. By placing your dumpster in an easily accessible position, you can rest assured that your contractor will have no trouble disposing of all of your construction waste. Additionally, you will also want to make sure that your dumpster can be easily retrieved by your waste management company when your project has been completed.